
Hum Cancelling Single Pole

The first sidewinder pickup I saw was in my 1968 EB-0 bass. I liked the idea so much that I created my own bobbin for the guitar. Shown below, these fit in a 49.2 mm humbucker routed body.

This one is a prototype which I made out of 1/64 ” plywood. I have since had these made with 3D printing for consistency.

What makes it sound different than a humbucker is the single row of poles which focuses a smaller section of string vibration into the pickup. That small difference of one row versus two rows of magnets changes the dynamics of the sound.

SideWinder Noise Cancelling Hand-wound Pickup
SideWound Pickup

A kind of hybrid of single pole dynamics in sound response with the noise cancelling usually found in a humbucker.

SideWound Pickup